Media is images (PNG, JPG) or datasheets (PDF).
When to Add Media
First ensure the media does not already exist. Do NOT add image media that differs only in size, cropping, etc.
Adding Media
- Does similar or same image already exist? If so, DO NOT ADD IT!
- Never add a border to the image itself. Tell the page to add a border around the image!
- Normal resolution images should not exceed around 800 x 800 and 72 DPI. Normal resolution images are usually all that are needed when placing on pages of the site.
- High resolution images should not be over 1024 x 800 and 72 DPI.
- High resolution images are NOT normally needed.
- Collect meta data.
- Image must belong to some keyword. For example, a product image would be the same or very similar as the product page title or product.
- lpddr4_edgeprobe_272 w/caption of LPDDR4 EdgeProbe(TM) Direct Attach. Note all the keywords.
- lpddr4-272-ball-edgeprobe-interposer-datasheet LPDDR4 272 Ball EdgeProbe(TM) Interposer Datasheet
- ma4100_waveform_display w/caption of MA4100 State Waveform Window Example
- Note how searches for LPDDR4, MA4100, Waveform, or EdgeProbe would find the media.
- Image must belong to some keyword. For example, a product image would be the same or very similar as the product page title or product.
- Save image locally with new name
- Upload image.
- Set image metadata.